Thursday, November 23, 2006

For immediate release
“Beyond Measure”「見仁見智」演講系列--
More information: Luchia Lee (curator)

請您偕同家人、朋友、同事及學生前來, 這個演講將會是一個提供處世的策略、生活的工具、人類的定位、社交的強化、靈性修為、以及表現藝術認同的動人時刻。

不可思議的道德經(The Magnificent Power of Tao Te Ching )

主講人: Master Henry Chang 張希平(集德居士)

日期: 十二月十六日(December 16, 2006, Saturday星期六)10:00 a.m.-7:00p.m.

地點: One East 42nd St. (at 5th Ave), Manhattan, NY(東四十二街一號, 臨第五大道)
紐約台北文化中心( 駐紐約台北經濟文化辦事處)Taiwan Culture Center, TECO in New York, (地鐵subway #7: 5 Ave, B.D.F.V: 42nd St/ Bryant Park, #4. #5. #6: Grand Central/42 St)

主辦單位: 道德文化學會(, 紐約台北文化中心
午餐贊助單位: 禪味企業集團 (
道德經演講將以中英文併行(即席翻譯:涂健軒, 禪味企業總裁)

張希平(集德居士), 美國道德文化學會及台灣德華文教基金會創始者,是知名道學教育家及東方哲學家,鑽研東方哲學及各宗教學派三十餘年,長年旅行世界各地進行專題演講,並參加各類學術研討逾五百場,出版各類專文及書籍,講題突破政治、商業及宗教的限制。扮演中華文化資訊交流管道及橋樑,結合各學科理論及透過中西哲學比較,以讓世人明瞭中華傳統哲學之深度及今日研習之必要與急迫性,深受各界歡迎。
本講座參加費用: 美金十元,備有美味素食午餐(由Food Network調查全美前五名最佳亞洲餐館的禪味餐廳(Zen Palate)所精心準備) , 請事先報名登記, 以預留座位及餐點, E-mail至 或是打電話347-5350958留言.


10:00 a.m. Registration (報到)
10:30 a.m.-12:30p.m. The Magnificent Power of Tao Te Ching, Mater Chang (道德經)
12:30 p.m.-1:20 p.m. Lunch Break (美味午餐-由禪味餐廳所提供)
1:30 p.m.-2:00 p.m. artist -Yang Ching Chih (Control of Fear) 藝術家楊金池-(我的作品-恐懼控制)
2:15 p.m.-2:35 p.m. artist-Cecily Mckeown (My Work and Tao) 藝術家朱志-(我的作品與道)
2:35 p.m. - 2:55 break (viewing of the art ) (休息)
3:00 p.m.-5:30 p.m. - The Magnificent Power of Tao Te Ching, Master Chang(道德經)
5:30 p.m.-5:45 Break (休息)
5:45 p.m. - 6:45 p.m. Q & A., closing remarks (座談)

“The Magnificent Power of Tao Te Ching” Tao master Henry Chang will deliver a lecture and moderate a discussion on Tao Te Ching philosophy

“Control of Fear”- Artist Yang Chin Chih will present his digital rendition of a human fear control room and through his invented model underline people experience inner weakness.

“My Work and Tao” Cecily McKeown, A lecture from artist would like to share her art work and Tao.


“Beyond Measure” exhibition- December 7th to December 29th, 2006 – New York Taipei Cultural Center
“Beyond Measure workshop”- January 12th to 30th, 2007˙- Amerasia Bank Gallery, Flushing, New York
“BM-On Megumi Akiyoshi at Pearl River Mart, Soho” December 10th, -December 30th, 2006-Peral River Mart
Travel to other US Cities - being arranged

Sponsorship: Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in New York, Crystal Window, Patrick Huang, Lung Hsiung Tseng, 427 management Group, Taipei Cultural Center, TECO in New York, Pearl River Mart, Stephen Chen, HOV/Zen Palate, IPCC Frame, Tao’s Culture Inc., 123Soho,. Zen Box.

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