Thursday, November 23, 2006

For immediate release
“Beyond Measure” Lecture Series---

More information: Luchia Lee(curator)

Please join us and bring family, friends, colleagues, and students. This lecture can easily serve as a living tool, an instrument of strategy, a spiritual practice, an analysis of the human condition, social empowerment, as well as art esthetic.

The Magnificent Power of Tao Te Ching

Lecturer: Master Henry Chang

Date: December 16, 2006 (Saturday) 10:00 a.m.-7:00p.m.

Address: One East 42nd St. (at 5th Ave), Manhattan, NY
Taiwan Culture Center, TECO in New York, (subway #7: 5 Ave, B.D.F.V: 42nd St/ Bryant Park, #4. #5. #6: Grand Central/42 St)

Organized by: Tao’s Culture Inc. (

Lunch Sponsored by: HOV/Zen Palate (
The lecture will be conducted both in Chinese and English (translator:James Tu, President of HOV/Zen Palate)

Master Henry Chang is the founder of Tao’s Culture Inc, headquartered in Virginia, and De Hua Cultural Foundation, headquartered in Taiwan. He is well known as a Tao educator and an Eastern philosopher. He has devoted over 30 years to Tao philosophy and research in comparative religion. He has traveled around the world to give lectures, seminars, and conferences in over 500 locations. The lecture will not be limited to politics, commerce, and religion – although Master Chang may take examples from any of these areas. He uses multidisciplinary methods in comparing western and eastern cultures. He urges people to understand Tao philosophy’s profound virtue, and the urgent message that Taoist philosophy has for our times. He has also published over one

Tao Te Ching has been translated into more languages than any book other than the Bible. Tao Te Ching contains the highest wisdom, from academic research to life applications. It can change both individual and group destiny. This lecture will open new vistas. No matter whether people are in business, government, the military, philosophy, the arts, or research, attendance at this lecture will give a unique perspective on strategies for life and wisdom.
The ancient Chinese considered Tao as the highest, omnipresent order of universe. A life following Tao is a life f the highest fulfillment, i.e., a life in harmony with nature. Therefore, all branches of Chinese philosophy and Chinese culture flowed from this central concept.
Lao-Tzu, who lived 700~500 B.C., was the first sage to put Tao into words in his book entitled Tao Te Ching. Tao can be translated as "way of life," Te as "virtue" (more properly, "manifestations of Tao"), and Ching as "classic".
In the subsequent three thousand years, the philosophy of Tao gave rise to many widely known Tao practices such as Chinese herbal medicine, acupuncture, Feng-Shui (geomancy), meditation, martial arts, and astrology. Despite the fact that Lao-Tzu never founded an organized religion, the philosophy of Tao, which entails the unification of Heaven and Man, evolved into Taoism, but Master Chang does not espouse any of these sects.

Admission fee: $10. A free vegetarian lunch is provided by Zen Palate (one of the Top Five Asian Restaurants in North America, according to Food Network). Please RSVP to reserve your seat and meal by sending email to or leaving a message at 347-5350958


10:00 a.m. Registration
10:30 a.m.-12:30p.m.-The Magnificent Power of Tao Te Ching, Mater Chang
12:30 p.m.-1:20p.m Lunch Break
1:30 p.m.-2:00 p.m. artist -Yang Ching Chih (Control of Fear)
2:15 p.m.-2:35 p.m. artist-Cecily Mckeown (My Work and Tao)
2:35.p.m. -2:55 break (viewing of the art)
3:00 p.m.-5:30 p.m.- The Magnificent Power of Tao Te Ching, Master Chang
5:30 p.m.-5:45 Break
5:45.p.m. - 6:45 p.m. Q & A., closing remarks

“The Magnificent Power of Tao Te Ching.” A Tao master Henry Chang will deliver a lecture and moderate a discussion on Tao Te Ching philosophy

“Control of Fear”- Artist Yang Chin Chih will present his digital rendition of a human fear control room and through his invented model underline people experience inner weakness.

“My Work and Tao” Cecily McKeown, A lecture from artist would like to share her art work and Tao.


“Beyond Measure” exhibition- December 7th to December 29th, 2006 – New York Taipei Cultural Center
“Beyond Measure workshop”- January 12th to 30th, 2007˙- Amerasia Bank Gallery, Flushing, New York

Travel to other US Cities - being arranged

Sponsorship: Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in New York, Crystal Window, Patrick Huang, Lung Hsiung Tseng, 427 management Group, Stephen Chen, Pearl River Mart Taipei Cultural Center, HOV/Zen Palate, IPCC Frame, Tao’s Culture Inc., 123Soho,. Zen Box.

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